AFLP Fingerprinting Reveals Genetic Variability in Common Carp Stocks from Indonesia
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting was used to detect genetic variability in two stocks of common carps (Majalaya carp and Sinyonya carp) and second generation gynogens derived from the Majalaya carp. Primer combinations, E-AAC/M-CAA, E-AGG/M-CAC and E-ACC/M-CTT yielded 299 selectively amplified loci of which 66.2% were polymorphic. Maximum polymorphism was evident in the Majalaya carp and minimum among the gynogens. Four types of AFLP bands which were useful to differentiate the stocks in question were identified. Band Sharing Index (BSI) matrix was generated from the band binary value sets. Maximum average BSI was exhibited by the gynogens and minimum by the Majalaya carp. Inter-stock comparisons showed the gynogens to be closest to the Majalaya and farthest from the Sinyonya stock.
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Date 2000/06/01
Abstract Hits 2838
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