Asian Fisheries Society

Degradation of Furazolidone in Fresh- and Seawater


The degradation of furazolidone (FZ) in fresh- and seawater in plastic tanks placed in a hatchery was studied. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet stectrophotometric detection was used for the quantification of FZ residues. The half-life calculated from the intersection of the plot of ln (FZ concentration) vs. time (over 18 days) with the plot of ln (50% initial FZ concentration) was 170 h for freshwater (average pH 7.4, average temperature 26.7ºC) and 135 h for seawater (average pH 8.2, average temperature 26.7ºC).

Publication Date : 1998-12-01

Volume : 11

Issue : 3-4

Page : 295-301

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Date 1998/12/01
Abstract Hits 2674
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