Asian Fisheries Society

Degradation of Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride in Fresh and Seawater


The degradation of oxyteracycline hydrochloride in fresh- and seawater in plastic tanks placed in a hatchery was studied. Reverse phase HPLC technique was used for the detection of oxytetracycline. The half-life of oxytetracycline hydrochloride in freshwater (average pH 7.3, average temperature 27ºC, under natural lighting) was 58 h, and in seawater (average pH 7.9, average temperature 27ºC, under natural lighting) 2989 h.

Publication Date : 1994-12-01

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Page : 195-200

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Date 1994/12/01
Abstract Hits 2662
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