Asian Fisheries Society

Fishing Methods in Streams of the Kumaon Himalayan Region of India


The Kumaon region of India harbours a rich coldwater fish biodiversity. In the present communication, attempts were made to study the different types of fishing methods employed in the rivers/streams in this region. The study categorized ten conventional fishing methods followed by four each for commercial and destructive methods and three for recreational purposes. The study indicated that the indigenous technical knowledge (ITK) for fishing has been developed by the local fishermen. In some of these methods the fishermen used the behavioral pattern and microhabitat type used by the fish. The present information discusses the species specific and habitat specific methods utilized by the fishermen. The necessary suggestive measures for the sustainable exploitation of coldwater fish in the hilly region have been incorporated in this paper.

Publication Date : 2002-12-01

Volume : 15

Issue : 4

Page : 347-356

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Date 2002/12/01
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