Asian Fisheries Society

High Density Pond Culture of Silver Perch, Bidyanus bidyanus


Silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus, fingerlings (mean weight 4.6 g) were stocked at a density of 43,000 fish•ha-1 in a 0.3-ha static, aerated, pond and fed a 35% protein diet at daily rates up to 168 kg•ha-1 for 14 months. Concentrations of total ammonia-nitrogen rose rapidly in summer and remained above 1.0 mg•l-1. There was an outbreak of the mycotic disease, epizootic ulcerative syndrome, following a bloom of Microcystis and a rapid rise of pH and un-ionized ammonia-nitrogen to 0.39 mg•l-1. An estimated 18.1% of fish harvested using a boat-mounted electrofisher had spinal damage and internal hemorrhaging. The overall survival rate was 69.7%, the mean weight 402 g and the food conversion ratio 2:3:1. A production of 12,146 kg•ha-1 and a daily production rate of 27.8 kg•ha-1 are the highest yet achieved with silver perch, confirming its potential for intensive culture in ponds with limited water exchange.

Publication Date : 1995-06-01

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Page : 73-79

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Date 1995/06/01
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