Asian Fisheries Society

Induced Spawning and Hatching of Tawes, Puntius javanicus (Bleeker)


A preliminary study on induced spawning and hatching of Puntius javanicus (Bleeker), revealed the possibility of simplifying spawning and hatching techniques. A single dose of Ovaprim, an ovulating agent, resulted in complete spawning within 4-5 hours. Larvae hatched in 10-12 hours at 27-31ºC. When carried out in low cost, laboratory-designed plastic tubs, percentage hatching ranged between 38.8 and 64.8% with an average of 53%.

Publication Date : 1994-10-01

Volume : 7

Issue : 2 & 3

Page : 191-194

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Date 1994/10/01
Abstract Hits 2872
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