Asian Fisheries Society

Inter-sectoral Disparity and Marginalization in Marine Fisheries in India


Fisheries policy in the eleventh plan aims at sustainable economic growth, with due concerns on food and nutritional security and supply side responses. The plan accords overarching priorities on bridging the sharpening divides and increasing disparities in all sectors. The socio- economic framework of the fishing community with structural changes in coastal sector needs successful design and implementation of development programs. This article highlights the sectoral growth of fishing units and their capital investment over the years, change in ownership pattern of means of production, earnings, sectoral disparity, and inequity among marine fisher folk in India. Base material for the analysis includes primary data collected from selected centers of maritime states in India and secondary data on marine fisheries census of CMFRI and other relevant publications.

Publication Date : 2009-09-30

Volume : 22

Issue : 2

Page : 773-786

Full text PDF
Date 2009/09/30
Abstract Hits 2052
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