Asian Fisheries Society

Population Dynamics of Penaeus semisulcatus in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt


Monthly length frequency data of Penaeus semisulcatus were analyzed to determine the age, growth, mortality rates and yield per recruit. The maximum life span of P. semisulcatus was found to be 15 months for males and 18 months for females. The asymptotic total length was estimated to be 22.4 cm for males and 26.8 cm for females. The growth parameter K was calculated as 1.77 year-1 for males and 1.56 year-1 for females. The total mortality coefficient Z, was estimated to be 8.18 for males and 6.77 for females. The natural mortality coefficient was estimated to be 2.52 for males and 2.40 for females. Yield per recruit (Y/R) analysis indicated that a high value of Y/R can be obtained at high values of fishing mortality but this may not be biologically appropriate.

Publication Date : 2000-06-01

Volume : 13

Issue : 2

Page : 127-137

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Date 2000/06/01
Abstract Hits 2553
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