Asian Fisheries Society

Skeletal Deformities in Cultured Common Carp Cyprinus carpio L.


The appearance of various deformities in common carp, Cyprinus carpio are described. Six hundred seventy one fish were examined; 24.9% showed different types of deformities. Of these, 37.6% had semi-operculum, 18.2% had spinal deformity, 17.4% had head deformity, 11.4% had multiple-deformities, 11.2% had eye deformities, and 4.2% had stumpbody. Deformities were observed in both sexes. Growth of deformed fish was substantially slower than that of the normal fish. The reason for deformities could not be determined, but possible causes are discussed.

Publication Date : 2001-09-01

Volume : 14

Issue : 3

Page : 247-254

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Date 2001/09/01
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