Asian Fisheries Society

Subchronic Toxicity of Ionic Surfactants on Freshwater Fish Labeo rohita (Hamilton)


Histological and histopathological alterations in different organs such as liver, gills, kidney, intestine and brain of Labeo rohita following its exposure to two ionic surfactants, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), were investigated. Different levels of exposure were given depending on the LC50 value of the surfactants used. The influence of age and weight of the organisms were tested simultaneously. The visual and microscopic results of organs were time and con-centration dependent. When exposed to 10 ppm surfactant, liver hepatocytes showed fatty deposition and distortion in their arrangement and gills showed distortion and degenera-tion of epithelial cells. The groups exposed to different doses of SDS showed the toxic effects viz. necrotic changes visible in tissue in lower concentration and slight congestion of brain and inflammatory changes in the intestine. The exposure to CTAB in fishes revealed necrotic and vascular changes in liver, massive degeneration of epithelial cells in gills, congestion in brain, inflammatory changes in intestine and rupture of mucosa. During exposure to very low doses of surfactants, fish did not show any mortality but behavioural changes were observed. Cationic surfactant CTAB was more toxic to fish than the anionic SDS and it affects tissues involved in gaseous and nutrient exchange more severely.

Publication Date : 2010-05-11

Volume : 22

Issue : 4

Page : 1137-1148

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Date 2010/05/11
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