Asian Fisheries Society

The Cytotoxic Effect and Antioxidant Properties of Actiniarian Sea Anemones


The Actiniarian sea anemones possess great potential as a source for developing useful compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. The present study was conducted to investigate the biological activity of crude extracts from the sea anemones Heteractis magnifica (Quoy and Gaimard, 1833) and Heteractis crispa (Hemprich and Ehrenberg in Ehrenberg, 1834) collected from Andaman Islands, India. The crude proteins of H. magnifica and H. crispa were obtained by using methanol and aqueous extracts. The cytotoxic effect of the crude extracts was evaluated on brine shrimp. The methanol extracts of H. crispa displayed high cytotoxicity of LC50 = 416.9 μg.mL-1, while for H. magnifica it was LC50 = 575.4 μg.mL-1. The antioxidant evaluations were carried out on the crude extracts of H. magnifica and H. crispa, with use of free radical, 2, 2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and total phenolic content methods. The extracts of H. magnifica showed high total phenolic content which is an indication of significant free radical scavenging activity.

Publication Date : 2019-03-31

Volume : 32

Issue : 1

Page : 42-47

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Date 2019/03/31
Abstract Hits 1452
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