Asian Fisheries Society

The Niches of the Far Eastern Sardine and Japanese Anchovy


The mean spawning seasons and locations and food items in stomachs of the Far Eastern sardine Sardinops melanisticta (Temminck and Schlegel) and Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonica (Houttuyn), which were considered as three dimensions of time, habitat and resource of the niches, were examined and compared with those of the chub mackerel Scomber japonicus (Houttuyn). The sardine and anchovy were far from each other in the time and habitat dimensions but close in the resource dimension. Competition coefficients and niche breadths were calculated for sardine and anchovy. A numerical relationship between the sardine and anchovy biomasses was estimated and discussed in light of the possible competition for food between the two species.

Publication Date : 1992-12-01

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Page : 315-326

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Date 1992/12/01
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