Asian Fisheries Society

The Scallop Fishery of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines


The major landing site for the scallop Amusium pleuronectes in Lingayen Gulf, northern Philippines, was monitores during a 10-month period to obtain information on catch and effort. An overview of the scallop marketing of the commercial and small-scale trawl fisheries is presented.
Marked seasonality in catch per effort (c/f) was noted with the period April-June representing the peak scallop season. Scallops are taken as a bycatch with an estimated average c/f of 0.19 kg/trawling hour. An annual scallop catch of 7.6 t was estimated for the commercial trawl fishery. Scallops caught in the Gulf are all marketed locally.

Publication Date : 1988-07-01

Volume : 1

Issue : 2

Page : 207-213

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Date 1988/07/01
Abstract Hits 2762
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