Asian Fisheries Society

Withdrawal Time for Oxytetracycline in Red Tilapia Cultured in Freshwater


Oxytetracycline (OTC) was fed at a rate of 80 mg•kg1 fish for 10 d to healthy red tilapia (average size 205 ± 44 g) cultured in freshwater; OTC was also given to red tilapia (average size 170 ± 41 g) in the form of a bath at 10 ppm for 4 d. After treatment the muscle of the fish (25 g of muscle taken along the lateral line) was analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography for OTC residues and the withdrawal time for OTC was calculated. The withdrawal time for OTC given orally for red tilapia cultured in freshwater at an average ambient temperature of 27.3 ± 0.5 ºC was 17-18 d. Fish medicated by bath (10 ppm for 4 d) at an average ambient water temperature of 27.3 ± 0.7ºC had a withdrawal time of 12.5-16 d. The initial concentration of OTC residue in fish medicated orally was approximately seven times higher than those medicated through bath. Due to the low bioavailability, the therapeutic efficacy of bath treatment should be examined.

Publication Date : 1995-10-01

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Page : 169-176

Full text PDF
Date 1995/10/01
Abstract Hits 2908
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